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Copy and paste from the top of each * to the bottom of each * into the zMUD command line in order to use these. *
#CLASS {remort6}
#ALIAS {item1} {e;open north;n;n;n;e;e;get all shelv;w;w;s;s;get all stat;w;s;get all stat;n;w;get all stat;e;n;get all stat;n;n;open north;n;get all ped}
#ALIAS {item2} {get key;u;e;n;n;open west;west;open desk;get all desk;e;s;s;quaff ghost;get all corpse;n;n;open east;e;unlock desk;open desk;get all desk;w;n;open west;w;open desk;get all desk;open forb;get all forb;drop forb;e;open east;e;put scroll mach;get vial;w;n;n}
#ALIAS {item3} {w;get all shelv;e;merge spirits death;drop death;merge naught toad;drop stupid;merge pupp altar;drop minds;merge power trad;drop magick;merge earth musson;drop elemental;merge white spirit;drop purity;merge yorke catalog;drop cast;merge bib shadow;drop casting;get all}
#ALIAS {item4} {merge earth elemental;merge cast casting;merge stupid mind;merge death pur;merge mental truth;merge life nature;merge mental mind}
#TRIGGER {The Illusion says 'Give me the book… i guess i can always give it a try.'} {give book illu}
#TRIGGER {The Illusion says 'Return to me when you have collected it.'} {s;s;e;e;s;s;s;s;s;s;open south;s;blow cand;get sword;n;w;w;#10 s;enter portal;open northeast;ne;e;e;e;open north;n;n;give sword lotus}
#TRIGGER {A mutated Black Lotus drops Sword of Frost.} {get lotus;s;s;w;w;w;sw;enter portal;#20 n;pour vial out;open desk;get all desk;s;drop ghost;sac ghost}
#TRIGGER {The Illusion exclaims 'You found it! Excellent! Do not enter the tower yet though!'} {s;n}
#TRIGGER {The Illusion says 'Ruthan The Illusionist used to hold the key to the Tower of Air…'} {s;n}
#TRIGGER {The Illusion says 'Good luck finding a living Black Lotus around here…'} {s;n}
#TRIGGER {Just run very fast and take the crystal from its pedestal, do not idle anywhere.'} {#18 s;enter globe;n}
#TRIGGER {You get sucked into a vortex between space and time.} {#wait 3000;n;e;d;n;sw;d;ne;s;e;u;w;ne;n;n;e;n;nw;s}
#CLASS {0}
* *Find the lich in the first area. He is south of the rune*
*Kill the lich, then get the opal that he drops.*
*Walk back to the rune and type “item1”*
*Put the ruby into a container so that you don't lose all your move while walking*
*Go south back to the rune, then southwest to the altar*
*Give all the remort items to the altar (not any scrolls that you may have picked up)*
*Enter the portal, go sw,s,get all hole,n,ne,3n*
*Here comes the hard part, with the boulder. Follow directions or get pwned.* First off, you might be one room too far south, I don't remember so I stopped you just in case
Wait 30 seconds. If you don't see the message “You hear something being crushed to the north” then move north.
If you do see that message then don't move north – continue reading
When you see “You hear something being crushed…” then spam scan one line at a time
From my experience it generally takes 16 scans until the boulder is gone.
As SOON as its gone go 2n.
Now go north until you can go west
Go 2w,open south,s,unlock paint,open paint,get all paint
Now go back to the room that was 2n of the boulder. Don't go too far south or you're gonna get pwned
Wait until you see the message that says “You hear something being crushed to the south”
Scan until its gone, then go south,scan,south. I suggest entering all the commands in one line.
If the boulder was to the west then you are going to let it pass to the east
If the boulder was to the east you are going to let it pass to the west then back east before moving
Read below even if you aren't dumb so you know what to do
==Example for the Dumb=====
You see a large boulder to the east
*Now you've moved south cause you entered 'south;scan;south' all in one line*
You hear a large crushing sound to the north
*Wait, cause its moving west*
You hear a large crushing sound to the north
*Spam scan until its gone*
*Move north,west,unlock down,open down,down*
==End of example for dumb==
Type flip switch a few times until you see the message the boulder stops rolling *Type item2*
*Now go through the whole library typing get all shelv*
*Make sure you have one copy of each book. If you have duplicates drop and sacrifice them.*
*Now type item3*
*Wait a few seconds*
*Now type item4*
*Wait even less seconds but still two or three*
*Walk to the Illusion, he's at the northern area of the hallway*
*Let triggers take care of the rest for a few minutes (Hint: You can go piss)*
*When you come back you will need to answer the riddles.*
*This can be done via google. Its pretty easy, a handful you don't even need google. – eventually I may implement triggers to answer riddles*
*Now you're on to the fighting. No more triggers for a while.*
*Good luck, just remember to flee when you're above 2800 hp if you want to live.*
*Also, flee if you get below 1200 mv or you're screwed too.*
*You can camp the desk 20n of the portal (must logout) for potions of safety, which are high level sanctuary*
*If you keep the templar / monk blind they will try curing blind rather than healing*
*Make sure you touch all the globes that above each mob after you kill them.*
*The order for killing them is paladin,templar,gladiator,mage,monk (SW,NE,NW,SE,N)*
*Once you are done with combat head to the Illusion (far north of the long hallway)*
*Triggers should take you to the test of fire. Head down and follow these directions very closely.*
*Read all of this before you do it. There is no time for alt+tab*

Type scan. Type it a lot.
If you see a fireball to the north of you, DO NOT MOVE
If you see a fireball to the south of you, and a fireball to the north of you, DO NOT MOVE
If you see nothing behind you and a fireball to the north of you, DO NOT MOVE
If you see a fireball to the south of you and nothing ahead of you, go north
If you see nothing behind you and nothing ahead of you, go north *These directions should make it very easy on completing the fireball trap.
*Once I was told how to do the fireball properly I never died on it. You shouldn't either.
*You will reach a room called 'You survived'
*You may now go afk for a brief moment while remort is finished on triggers.
*When you come back to your PC you will be at a pedestal.
*Type get all pedestal to start rolling
*The end.
===Getting Snowflakes===
To get snowflakes grab a torch from the room with the cup in it. Then go to the room with the Paladin Frost Sword (2e,open south,s from the 1st library room)
Spam blow candle;light candle
type get all.snow
Triggers for riddles
#CLASS {remort6}
#TRIGGER {What goes up and never comes down} {say age}
#TRIGGER {Then I die, 'Til you call me again} {say echo}
#TRIGGER {in times of war he burns asunder.} {say bridge}
#TRIGGER {and the train doesn't need it} {say noise}
#TRIGGER {king seldom sees, and what we see} {say equal}
#TRIGGER {yet I leave no pieces} {say silence}
#TRIGGER {What is it that you must give before you can keep it?} {say promise}
#TRIGGER {And yet I do all three.} {say fire}
#TRIGGER {immediately set and harder to break.} {say record}
#TRIGGER {Think critically and answer the question…} {say riddle}
#CLASS {0}

remort_6_second.1651264917.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/29 20:41 by astark