This is an old revision of the document!
Kill the 4priests, get a token from each priest. *all dirs from entrance
Flames - walk 3n w n w n e 2n w s w n (Fiery Belt, random)
Forest - walk n e 2n 2e s 2e 2n (Chestnut Staff)
Clouds - walk n e 2n 2e s e 3n w n 2e (Flail of the Hurricane)
Rain - walk n w 3n 2w 2s e s (Circlet of the Rain)
Kill the Graverobber for the Jade Key
3n 3e s e 2n;open northeast;.ne - Grave Robber
Kill Ra (Bracer of the Sun, Adamantine Shinguards (class specific)
5n e n w n e unlock_north open_north n
Give earth master;enter portal
Give water master;enter portal;give air master;enter portal;give fire master;enter portal
Sanye – Grab Herugrim
Divergent (Make sure you stay invis through whole area, minus fights obviously)
Middle Area – Kill Rei and Blur for heads (Can get kill with any weapon)
Aes Sedai
Noctai – Kill 4 Noctai and grab heads
Sanye – Visit Astennu then go to Kardiak and give heads (gives leggings)
Noctai – Say “Kardiak” at Cocoon
Sanye – Kill Kardiak and crew
Noctai – Kill Cocoon (Drops transparent ring and fighter aura)
Eye of Smote (Caster aura) – 2 up from center of Illuminati
Unknowns – Snuffs Gratitude
Other optional items – Kneeling at Astennu and giving string to Swayde (At Aes Sedai) gives hands
Make sure you are: Flying, Invisible (Mobs are aggressive and can detect everything)
To get Cobra Necklaces (No Stats)
To get Healing Salve (For Starving Villager)
Give items to Corkan
To get Lizard Scale
To get Cobra Skin (Full Stats)
Kill guard for Level 4 Access Card and Badge (everyone on the run must be wearing it)
Unl west
unl north
say logoff
say logon
say list
say airco
say shutdown Up
kill steven taylor (you will get Level 3 Access Card)
Gun design on one of the sleeping guards
the mace design is on the guard all south and all west
From there:
go all south (there is a door on the way you have to unlock)
go all south (there is a door on the way you have to unlock)
unl north
open north
say logoff
say logon
say list
say door
say jkw385kc
The west door will unlock which is where Commander Richter is. Kill him for a Level 2 Access Card. You have a 50% chance at getting a Ring of Everything or a Fine Leather Belt. This room is recallable if you really need to use it, you can. You will also get titanium leggings and cybernetic armplates.
After killing Richter, to get axe design, go: east, all south, west, kill computer geek.
Sword design is also off one of the geeks.
Then head east, all north
unl north
open north
north until you hit the thirsty scientist
kill tracy
unl desk
open desk
get all desk
open east
give 5 gold machine
push water
give cup thirst
give letter thirst
You should receive Level 1 Access Card
Head back to the “COMMAND CENTER” room which is 1 east of Richter. From there, go east and killer the maintenance bot to get the maintenance key. Then:
unl down
open down
You should be in “The Vault”
From here, you can open west, and go all west, south, kill huge fan, and get the Huge Fan weapon and also the Dagger Designs.
In the vent, there is a door south, and then a door down that will take you to Popov, who sells designs for the whip, spear, polearm, and flail. They are 5000 gold each.
Once you have all the plans you want, head back to the room Tracy was in, and hand the designs to the weapon guy south of her. Then go all west from tracy to find the mobs with the weapons.
—- This part of the run leads to the alien queen —-
In the Vault room, say :
say logoff
say logon
say list
say door
say skyblue
north (invisible exit)
FYI: The password skyblue is from Popov in the vent (when you nod at him)
You should now be in the locker room with naked men. 2 or 3 of the men have a lab coat on them. There is another lab coat in one of the lockers. I believe that they are once per crash.
Make sure everyone in your group is wearing a lab coat and area 51 badge before you head north, or you will land up in jail.
The area you will be in now, is a small square.
ok this place is a small square
from northwest corner, go west, say yes if your groupee is trapped in the cell north. i dunno how to get trapped there, but if you do, just say
yes and he can flee out. from northeast corner, go east, and you can buy stuff. need to buy scapel from this guy from southeast corner, go east, and give scapel to the surgeon. you'll get intestines from southwest corner, go west, and kill the alien tubes for alien skin (they are chicken. one drac kills em all.) then at the center, there shld be a doctor lincoln. give him the intestines, then while he's distracted, go down
then enter vessel you shld be at a place with a glowing green ball. (i've only been up to here so from here on is from lumin's log)
all rem all, wear alien skin, then put all wand touch ball twice all shld be at docking bay. [from here on, you dont need to wear badge and lab coat, but i dunno bout skin. keep it on in case.] then wear your eq follow the path, south etc. cant remember there shld be a room where you get blinded. just all cure blind, open northeast, go northeast it shld be a room called silence. all spellup, go north, and kill the queen.
[dunno if guardian drops any eq… lumin's log didnt say.]
then enter escape pod, kill engine, and you'll be dumped into open ocean. thats about the whole of area 51.
Leather Armor / Black Trenchcoat (one per reboot/copyover)
Be invis and flying. From PS go 6n 10e Se (=southeast)
e d s d s 2d n e 5d w n 4d Ne n e n e n d e d 2n.
Go 2w n, open down, d.
The Prince should be here.(If he isn't, the run has been done and you have to waitfor reboot/copyover.) Say “show me” and go all east.
Wait through the lengthy mprog to be over.Say “deurges”. Go up, all north, e n e n 2e s e.
Kill gatekeeper, get key, unlock north.
Go 2n, enter shadow, n. Kill (red man).
Once he's dead you will get transed to PS. From therego back to Abyss: 6n 10e Se e d s d s 2d n e 5d w n
4d Ne n e n e n d e d 3n w 2n e 2n 2e s w 2s e d 2e2up n w. Kill Deurges, get the armor and trench.
Horror/Crystal Ball:
Go to the entrance of Abyss. Wander around until you findDeathmaster and kill him. Get Xunil shell.Go to the gatekeeper (no set directions because it depends where you end up after killing DM). Kill him, get the key.
Unlock/open north, n, open n, n, open n, n. Enter shadow.
Go n and kill mother, get Mother's Love.2n 3s w n 2w s 2w, open w, 3w. Give Mother's Love todemon.
Wear Xunil shell. Go down, enter lava. Grab Horror.Enter hole. Remove Xunil shell, give it to Xunil. Getcrystal ball. Recall.
Speed of Pain:
You mustfirst go up from the entrance hall (past gate guards).
Kill all the power nodes in the alcoves (not very hard, but annoying)
After killing all nodes, maybe 6-8 i don't remember off the top of
my head. Go north and kill agony. If there is a repop, you must kill
all the nodes again. Agony is an impossible mob to kill, good luck
and i hope you have written your will.
Death Wish /Crown of Sympathy/Sacrificial DAgger
Hunt down Vampire. Sit on the altar, then say yes. You'll have to fight nemesis for Death Wish, then the Vampire for Crown of sympathy and sac dagger. Solo.
Parrot, Hunting Knife, Steel Ring, Tan Hat, Obisidian Necklace, A-8 rifle, Leather Boots, Soul Blighter, DD8 Handgun, Dolb’s Axe, Lab Coat, Safety Goggles, Vial, frozen slab of meat.
Walking directions are:26e, open east, 8e to fisherman. Then flyand be invis and go 2n e n s 2e n e n e n.
Buy ticket, get on boat, get off boat
Hunting Knife is on the guard after you get offthe boat.
Go all north, give 50 gold to guard outside entranceto be transed inside.
Dolb Axe, Tan Hat, A-8 Rifle:Go east. To get tan hat agree with the guard (use thesocial) and he'll trans you into Raynor Rivolt's room.
Kill Rivolt for the hat. The guards in this room carrythe rifle.
South from the guard is Michael Dolb, who (obviously)loads Dolb's Axe.
Obsidian Necklace:Once transed inside Alcatraz, go all west, open northwest,Nw, all west, north to dead end, down, w n w to bathroom.
Spellup here because the Angry Man attacks as soon asyou go in. Enter mirror, whack Angry Man.
Leather Boots:Load on Machine Gun Kelly. Once transed inside, goall west, open northwest, Nw, all north, 2e n e. He's in
a locked room to the north, I have no idea where thekey is. Just have a gunnie blow the lock or a thief/illu
pick it.
Parrot:Loads on the Bird Man. I'm not positive about walkingdirections, but I know he's all west, open northwest, Nw,then north through the door and then *I THINK* west.His room is off of one of the lab-type rooms on thatnorth-south corridor, anyway. Just look around, it willbe in the northwest corner of one of them.
It's locked, no idea where the key is, have someoneshoot or pick the lock. Go in and kill him (pretty toughfight solo). Parrot falls to the floor.
Steel Ring
Go through the sewers off of the cement trail to get theKey from the guard (note). When you get to the vaultBe visible and say vault, then when you get to the guardGive him 50 gold and he’ll trans you and give you the keyGet back onto the main island and past the 50 gold guardTo the cafeteria Go west, unlock down, open down, down,fight Sadric Kulling, then get the ring.
Vial / Lab Coat / Safety Goggles
Kill the mainframe for the circuit board
Give board mulv
Get beaker
Give the note to the scientist west of the exit from
The square chamber of mulvs portion
Go east, then all north, then west, give the scientist
The new note and he’ll trans you and your party to
The three doctors with the items. Bring at least 3 people
To the fight.
DD8 Handgun
Kill the guard west of the ticket taker for the DD8 Handgun.
Frozen slab of meat
Have detect invis. Kill the keymaster north of rivolt for an invis key, which gives you access to the butcher, south of the convicts. Kill him he'll run and drop a shoe. Go kill spoon for a bag of dirt (north part of the guards, in a tunnel).
Wander around the guards in main convict area with shoe/dirt, and you'll eventually get to fight the butcher. He drops a frozen slab of meat (invis),
This includes the runs for Simple Plywood, Nylon Rope,
Act of Kindness, Matter, Not Much, Peanut Shells, Wiseness,
Fire Gloves, Fire Blade, Hot Sub-Machine Gun, and Pocket Protector.
To get to Dexter: from PS go 20w s 2w n, open down,
d n w n, open up, u n e n w 2n w n w.
Say “2.4933”, go east and give key to guard. He transes
you inside, the room title is Within.
get Joy (before entrance)
kill sludge monster (enter trash at secretary)
get Anger (s, w from 3rd floor)
give sludge Myndi (stairs, 4th floor)
give 10000 gold Paul (same as Myndi)
give 100 gold John (near Paul/Myndi)
unlock wall / open wall / get all wall (John)
buy darkness (bartender on floor 7)
kill angel - AUTOSAC OFF!! / get halo corpse / get corpse (top of stairs)
kill dishonorable man / get courage corpse (near angel)
give anger anger (4th floor)
give sorrow sad man (4th floor
give cocaine addict (4th floor)
give halo torturer / give corpse torturer (4th floor)
give darkness darkness (4th floor)
give 50000 gold beggar (4th floor)
kill billionaire - HARD, need a cure morter and a hitter (4th floor)
give courage courage, answer to his question is noun (4th floor)
give joy happy man (4th floor)
Bring 7500 gold with you and whatever pills you need
(sanc, refresh, etc etc). It is a solo run.
From trans point, go 2n to front lobby. The secretary
will give you a note.
go s e s, enter trans.
Go east, open east, east.
Say “science lab”. Manager will give you a key.
Go 3w, 3s, unlock south, 3s e.
Give note to Weapon Specialist. He will give you another
note back.
Go west, have pass door on, d n e u s w. Give note It
(It is hidden so you may have to do this several times).
Wait through long mprog. At the end It will drop Gratitude.
Get Gratitude, go e n d w s u.
Say “heuxavachlorate” and give 7500 gold to weapons specialist.
Say “heuxavachlorate” again and give Gratitude to weapons
specialist. He will give you Heuxavacholorate.
Go n, open west, w (Greg Hogkin's Office). Give Heuxavachlorate
to Greg. Say “yes”
Greg will now offer to allow you to fight his robot. When you are
ready (spelled up, got all yer pills and so on), then nod.
You will be transed into a no exit room. This is a pretty tough
fight, the robot will dispel you and all sorts of other nasty things.
I suggest a healer class (monk, pally) although I suspect with
enough pills anyone can do it. Once the robot is dead, get Act
of Kindness and you should be transed back to Greg's office.
If not, I think you can open the door and get out that way.
Go e 5n e n, enter trans, n w and recall.
You are going to need a fully trained cleric who knows wtf they
are doing, and a very good hitter, preferably a pally or monk.
Resist cold, slash and lightning are bonuses. Do NOT have
someone vuln cold tank. Both should be good align.
After giving the keycard to the guard and getting transed in,
go n e s, enter trans. Open up, up, get laser saw, d w 2s,
unlock down, down.
Enter nothing.
n s w 2e w.
Enter something.
2d, kill something. Get Not Much. You'll be transed out.
Go back to the lobby.
*Note: everyone has to be wearing not much to do the next
part of the run, and you have to be good align to wear it.*
From the lobby, go e s, enter trans, s u, enter trans, e,
enter trans, w, enter trans, e, enter trans, e, enter trans, e,
enter trans. You should be on the eighth floor now.
Both people should wear Not Much, and they should not be
Now, both go south. Healer should prepare to sanc immediately
since Nothing will dispel almost at once.
Tank should start fight with Nothing, then immediately switch to
the parts (1.part). Kill off all the parts, THEN kill Nothing. Cleric
should basically heal all the time. Once nothing is dead, you
have Matter.
Get Knowledge from NIMH (on Nicodemus). Wear it.
Go to Dexter, get up to the eighth floor. Go east to
the Wise Man. Kill him, get wiseness. This is not a
horribly difficult fight, a mage can solo it, but it's a lot
easier with two people.
Gate Dean, kill him and get box of green glowing condoms.
Go to Dexter, go up to either the 7th or 8th floor (I think 8
but not positive).
Go west, give condoms barkeep. He'll give you a peanut.
*NOTE: this is a cheat of the mprog. If someone has fixed
it, here's what you really do: From the barkeep, go to the
hooker, give her 1k gold, get condom, and go back to bar.)
Go e n, push stall, enter passageway.
N, open box, get sneakers box, enter passageway.
Go 2s, give sneakers sentinel.
Give peanut It. You'll be transed to Him.
Spellup, kill Him (the first round is ugly but easy after that,
if you survive).
Bring cure blind pills because he will probably blind you and
you must be able to see to loot him.
Go to Dexter, get transed in by guard.
Go n e s, enter trans, s u, enter trans, e, enter trans.
Then e u e u, open east.
Spellup here, use fire damage weaps and stances.
Have your tank go east first.
Target coldness first, kill ice last.
Check spells and so forth. Switch to cold or soak
damage weaps and stances.
When ready, go s and e (I think) or just south.
Kill heat.
Keep same damtypes, check spells, etc. When ready
go south. Target flame first. Kill Fire last.
If you kill fire before the flames are dead, you won't
get the EQ, so make sure no one is doing room damage
(full auto, etc etc). When Fire dies, it will give the gloves
to whoever killed it. If the person is blind, they won't get
the eq and you have to do it all over again.
This run is not horribly difficult but you will want about
2-3 good hitters and a cleric at least.
This is rather easy with a few hitters last i checked. Just have to
outdamage the mob with the key. From main room on base floor
go e, s, enter trans, 2s, u, enter trans, all s. Spellup and then open
and go south. Kill the mob there. Upon his death go n, unlock(maybe
can't remember)/open west. go west, give the key to the man in the
room and you will recieve the gun for your efforts
The essence of this run is to have as few people as possible
in the group. You will need a good cleric and one hitter,
ideally, although it can be done with two hitters and a cleric.
This is because the more people there are in the group, the
more mobs you have to kill. It's a tough fight and I suggest
the cleric does not autoassist so they can refresh/respell
as necessary. Bring whatever pills and potions you may need.
Go to Dexter and get up to the 8th floor. Go n e n e. Spellup
and so forth. East is Dexter Itmons. Go in invis. You'll need
to kill his guards first and I guarantee that you will run out of
move at some point as well as being blinded, dispelled, and
other nasty things like that. It's a very tough fight and I only
recommend fully trained people trying it.
Go to Ctuoac Warrens, find Ctuoac, kill him and get everything.
The silver scale is a portal you will need.
Find Ruthan, damage him until he flees. He will either drop the
Dream Talisman, in which case get it, or you must use the
silver scale to go find him and finish him off (only one person
can go, I suggest a monk/pally type). You'll get Ruthan's
Diversion, Ward Ring, and Dream Talisman that way.
Go to Sonoirh Myrk (gate bogfrog or river turtle). Hunt
Dame Athan.
Only four people may enter her room. If your group is
larger than that, you have to have some people in the
room log out so that others may enter, then log back
in again. You can fit your entire group into the room
that way, which is useful.
Give the Dream Talisman to Dame Athan. She will
trans everyone in her room to the Unicorn and Phoenix.
(If people in your group are not in the room when you
do this, they won't be able to come along on the Hydra
Kill the Unicorn and the Phoenix. You'll get Unicorn Point,
Phoenix Fire, and a Phoenix Feather (key).
Unlock south, open south. This is the door to the Hydra
Lair. Have your tank go in first.
Killing the Hydra is easy enough if you have a decent
cleric and some good hitters. If you want equipment, you
must kill the head that loads it.
Poison Head has Pandemic Shrouds.
Silver head has Aura of Sanctuary.
Lightning head has Shock Absorbers.
Those are the three items that people usually want.
There's other items but they aren't worth the trouble
unless you just want to kill the heads for shits and giggles.
Once you've gotten all the items you want, kill the body.
Note that the heads always repop so you will basically be
fighting the whole animal the entire time you are there.
Just kill the body to get rid of it. The repopped heads
won't load the items again, but you *can* log out your
entire group once the body is dead, wait for repop, and
then do the whole thing over again to get more items
without going to all the hassle of getting into the room again.
Once you've killed the body, you will get another key.
Unlock, open east. If you go one east you can recall and
be finished (I think…you might be able to recall from Lair).
OR you can try for Dragonclaws and Elemental Flail.
If you want to try for these items, then you have to
do a couple of things.
First, everyone should stay in the Lair. Only go in one at
a time.
Second, everyone needs to be wearing Myrknight Boots.
You can get one pair at the bench (I think).
Once everyone has boots on, go in ONE AT A TIME and
find the bench. The mprog won't work if more than one
person goes in at a time.
If you are wearing the boots, you will be transed to Myrkheart.
Don't worry, he won't do anything to you.
If you are NOT wearing the boots, you will be transed to Cube.
Once everyone is transed to Myrkheart, kill him for the Flail
and Dragonclaws. He's not THAT difficult - we killed him with
a good cleric, a monk, and a backstabbing thief.
These are runs for Phoenix Flames, Undead EQ, and Pleveller.
Oh and hints on the vorpal aerator or whatever it's called.
From PS go 8s e 2n 2w 2n 5e s e s.
Have detects on, the tent is invisible.
Enter tent, kill Ekholaharten (this didn't
use to be too difficult, I used to solo him
with my monk, but I don't know if he's been
tweaked recently). He has wraith vulns.
Get the flames and dagger.
Includes swords, crown, and curse of the
*Everyone must be good or neutral*
*Everyone should be flying and invis*
You can either gate to githu farmer OR…
From PS, 8s e 2n 2w, open up, up, open up,
up, 3n. Type hop vine, up, type hop vine.
Follow the path east to the cave entrance or
have one person go and summon the rest.
If you aren't flying here, you'll fall off the
mountain, and if you aren't invis then all
the nasty aggros will attack you.
Enter cave. Go n 2w s w 2n e 2n e n 2w s
2e n w n e n e. Enter light. Go up e 2n 2w
2s e up 3n.
If you gated to the farmer, you need to wander
around on the plateau until you find the cave entrance
with the boulder blocking it.
Everyone needs to say “friend” and go north. Once
your group is inside, go all east and north to the trainer.
Say “githu warbeast”, let mprog run, he'll drop a key.
Get the key.
South, unlock, open south. Spellup, go south, kill the
raptors (not horribly tough but you need some good
Get dinosaur entrails, open entrails, get key entrails.
Now everyone but one person should recall and walk
back to the path through the hop vine bit. The one
person remaining should go north, unlock and open
east, then run like hell east 6w all north. The githu
warbeast will follow and crash into the boulder (if you
do this in a group the beast will attack and hand your
asses to you on a platter).
After the boulder breaks, go south to first crossing,
then 4e n to guards. Say “spring” and let the mprog
run. You'll get a black stone key.
Recall and walk back through the hop vine part to
where your group should be waiting for you on the
path. Go west until you can go north, then 2n 2e.
Spellup here and TURN AUTOSAC OFF!!!
This is a really tough fight, you need some serious
firepower in your group and decent healers.
Unlock east, east, enter tomb. Kill daughter, then
wife, then Bothlands. Make sure you physically
loot the corpses (get all corpse) as well as autoloot.
The loads are somewhat randomized, not sure how
exactly, but you should get either the Sword of Undead
Kings, the Crown of Undead Kings, or the Curse of the
Damned, or more. Then go north 2w and recall.
From PS go 8s e 2n 2w 2u 3n hop vine up hop vine. If hop vine doesn't work, try swing vine.
Be invis and flying, follow the path east all the way to
the cave entrance.
Enter cave and be vis.
Go 2n 3e s e 2n w 3n e to kid. The kid should follow.
Go w 3s e 2s w n 3w s 2w s w 2n e 2n w n e n e n e to
the mother. Yay happy reunion blah blah. At some
point during this process you should get a teddy bear.
Go up e 2n 2w 2s e u 3n, say “friend” and go north.
Then 2e 3n w s, give teddy to Yaona, she will give you
the Pleveller.
Most of the area is easier to do alone but some of the fights need a group.
You need to be neutral+ or the runs don't work right. Bring sancs,
and cure blinds, gonna need em.
First off, gate to Fafner go e 2s e s buy Dows and buy walking. Go n 5e n w s e s e
and scan for guide then go whichever direction he's at. Give him dows first then walk
to get into the Xeph city. Go west until you find Vendric then kill him, he gives you
a Seal and you'll need that later, be fast or he'll run off. From there keep going west until
you find lieutenant, you can go back eastish a bit till you find a store that has a coil of
rope and buy it to get soap on a rope. Kill the lieutenant and you'll get transed to the
Interrogation room. Say yes, stand, and try back and be quick about it. If you do it right
you get Insignia dagger, if not he kills you.
To get soap on a rope take the coil you bought in the Xeph city go to the Hotel in the Vinkan
city and buy soap. merge coil bar and you get Soap on a rope.
Brass chain Sleeves, from where you left off and if you still have the Xeph seal gate Watial
go 2s.. or 1s e say yes and go north till you find Lirenza, give her seal and wait. She pops
brass chain sleeves.
After that go all south d w n or 2n and attack Lirenza, she'll trans you somewheres. Try blue
and you'll get transed to the battle field. Kill Lirenza on the battlefield and she'll drop
a cross, you cant pick it up till you get on the battlefield later
Gate Fafner go e n w 2n w 2n to get to Nafsule, say yes and you'll get a note, now go back to
the Xeph city and kill Vendric again if he repopped.. or hopefully didnt run away the first time
if he hasnt repopped recall a minute then go check. Get the seal and keep it. Gate to watial
give him the note from Nafsule then when he asks who say Nafsule to get a burlap sack. Go
back to the xeph city and go all west till you find Nafsule and kill her (need a group for this)
once thats done gate back to watial put her head in the sack and give the sack to Watial.
He'll drop a key and give you a sapling, hold on to sapling and take key. Now head back to
Xeph city again, go back to the shop with the coil of rope and buy canteen. Go back to
where lieutenant was, go north say help to get a map and a note. Now gate to fafner, go
e n e unlock east 2e.
Now, look around for the cross Lerinza dropped, some bandages, and a book. Give the bandages
to the elven healer. give the book to the avian priest. hold on to the cross. give canteen
to wounded soldier for a 95 gun that he drops, and find the Major. Give him note and then map.
Now, if your good aligned I think he'll attack you because hes a traitor, if your neutral
you'll have to choose. Attack the Major and leave the vinkan guy alone. He's kinda tough
buy you get Silver Helm for killing him, if you die.. well don't die. Now you should have
high enough rank to leave, find Guide and say Yes to get out.
Now, wait for Vendric to repop again and get another seal, you'll need one for each person in
the group to kill the guy with loathing, and hes a tough bastard. Once you get seals for each
person in the group, go to the apartment in residential area where the old man is and be vis
no hide/invis/astral whatever. Give him cross, he hits you fairly hard (about 3.k damage)
runs off and drops a veil. (92 mage shit, its invis too, need detects) Now go to the park
in the Northern part of the Xeph city and look for Lmomn (The old man). Take cure blinds,
he blinds to all hell. Kill him and presto, you have Secret Loathing. (each person needs to hold
seal to get into the room with him)
Now be vis and go find the bum, hes in xeph town. He should give you a flaming stick.
go back to the apartment where the old man was and look for the room with try setting fire
in its desc. Do the obvious, try setting fire. Now enter rem take skull and go n. Go back
to the Vinkan city and search for the witch, she's in the southeastern corner. Give her
the ogre skull and she drops black witches robes. If you still have the sapling go all north
of the witch give sapling to the tree guy. That awards wooden bracers.
Thats everything to my knowledge atm. Unless I forgot to mention something.
can camp insignia's profusely. buy as many peices to the soap on a rope as you want.
and thats all.
Spirit Links
Go to Haunted Lands (6n 6e 4n).
Go west and north to the shop and buy a jar, vial, coal, and candy.
S E E , Put the coal into the furnace. When it heats up, take it.
Go W N and fill the vial, then 2s east and “try break off icicle” to get the icicle.
North, West, South, East. Give the candy to the girl and get her net.
Go 3n 2e 3n and kill Horraim Corass for his aura of darkness, you won't get the Spirit Link
this time around.
3s 6w and look for the Zombie Leader. Kill him for the dead man's skull.
Go two east of the graveyard, North and Northwest, “try catch wisp” to put the wisp in the jar.
You won't need the butterfly net any longer, but it can be reused for subsequent runs.
Northeast to the door of the tower, have a thief disarm and pick north, North, disarm down, Down.
Northeast, Northwest, give the statues the item they want, should be in a clockwise manner from top…
Hot coal, aura of darkness, vial of blood, icicle, jar with wisp, dead man's skull.
Use the HexSolver (Thank Eris for this “hidden” treat) located on this website to solve the hex.
Once you enter the portal in the center, go up 3s 4e 3n e and look for a soldier that is wearing
a head. Kill him and take the head to the butcher (2s 2w 2s e n from the southern edge of the
battlefield). Give the head to the butcher to get the Skin Mask, wear it.
Go South, West, North, North, East, East, all North, East, East to the drawbridge. Say “black
wind” to get in. North is Horraim Cordass' real body. If you kill him, you will get the
soulstone. There is a chance that the Black Wind (powerful dragon that drops the “Gust of
Black Wind” leg translucent leg eq for fighters) pops there. If you are a thief, just steal
the soulstone from Horraim.
Once you get the soulstone, take it to the blacksmith by going from Horraim: South, West, West,
West, all south, West, West, South, South, East, East. Give the blacksmith the soulstone and
you will be transported back to the living world. Go 2West, 2North, 2East, and 3North.
Kill Horraim for the Spirit Link.
Congratulations, you're done!
Nike Run (Chaos of the mind) Enter mind, sw, kill dummy, ne, s, s, w, up, w, w, e, s, down, s, n, w, up, w, w, w, n, s, s, s, s, open south, south, get key. 1. Mom and Pop's room n, n, n, n, s, w, s, up, w, down, n, e, n, up, e, n, w, w, n, n, up, up, n, unl chest, open chest, get all chest 2. full of anger e, s, e, n, s, down, down, s, down, s, w, w, up, w, w, w, e, w, s, up, w, down, n, e, n, up, e, n, s, e, e, up, n, w, s, n, unl chest, open chest, get all chest … RECALL 3. in the middle of nowhere Enter mind, open s, s, s, w, up, w, w, down, s, down, s, e, w, up, w, w, w, w, w, s, up, w, down, n, e, n, up, unl chest, open chest, get all chest 4. middle of a raging cyclone E, n, s, w, n, n, up, open up, up, n, e, s, e, s, s, down, down, s, unl chest, open chest, get all chest 5. these damn chests Down, s, e, w, up, w, w, w, w, w, s, up, w, down, n, e, n, up, e, n, n, e, unl chest, open chest, get all chest, RECALL 6. past the end Enter mind, open south, s, s, w, up, w, w, down, s, down, s, e, w, up, w, w, w, w, w, s, up, w, down, n, e, n, up, e, n, s, w, unl chest, open chest, get all chest 7. superego's office N, n, up, up, n, e, s, e, down, n, w, unl chest, open chest, get all chest 8. simplicity, with a twist E, s, s, s, s, down, up, n, unl chest, open chest, get all chest 9. yet another question S, s, down, s, down, s, e, w, up, w, w, w, w, w, s, up, w, down, n, e, n, up, e, n, up, n, e, e, unl chest, open chest, get all chest, RECALL 10. bad ideas! Enter mind, open s, s, s, w, up, w, w, e, s, down, s, up, w, up, w, w, w, s, w, s, up, w, down, n, s, n, unl chest, open chest, get all chest (Quickness of the Mind) 11. aha! another chest S, s, down, n, up, e, n, up, w, n, n, up, open up, up, n, e, s, e, n, s, unl chest, open chest, get all chest 12. regression Down, down, e, unl chest, open chest, get all chest 13. a little annoyance W, w, e, s, down, s, up, w, unl chest, open chest, get all chest 14. a hole in the ceiling up, w, w, w, s, w, s, up, w, unl chest, open chest, get all chest 15. shadows on the wall e, down, n, e, e, e, e, down, e, n, n, up, n, up, up, unl chest, open chest, get all chest 16. light at the end of somewhere e, s, s, down, s, down, w, up, w, w, w, n, n, unl chest, open chest, get all chest (Note of things), RECALL 17. CRASH!!! Enter mind, open south, s, s, w, up, w, w, n, s, down, s, e, w, w, w, w, w, unl chest, open chest, get all chest 18. another locked chest e, e, e, e, e, e, up, w, up, w, w, w, up, w, s, up, w, down, n, s, n, up, e, b, e, w, n, n, up, open up, up, e, s, e, s, e, unl chest, open chest, get all chest 19. a rotten core w, w, up, s, down, n, s, down, s, up, w, up, w, w, w, up, w, s, up, w, down, n, s, n, up, e, n, down, e, e, up, unl chest, open chest, get all chest
17. CRASH!!! 18. another locked chest 19. a rotten core 20. You didn't think it was that easy did you?
c gate mrem kit.
head south out of the nursery to get to the center of the 1st floor.
go 2u. on the outskirts of the 2nd floor you will find “guild” houses.
enter each house and kill the masters. each one has a piece of level 90 eq
except the cyborg in the gunslinger “guild”. on the cyborg you need the letter.
after you have all of the pieces of eq go back to the center of the 2nd floor
and go 2u again.
from there go north and give letter furloin.
he will leave and let you get into anitas room.
wear all the 90 eq from the masters BEFORE you enter anitas room.
after you get into anitas room with the eq on she will force you to remove all.
rewear all your normal eq as the 90 stuff will be gone.
kill her and there you have it.
Gather full set of EQ, Golden key from the cage guard, letter of invitation.
To reset the area give a lovely red rose to the statue on the 1st floor (2e).
Furloin will be front of Anita's room, so to start things off hand him the
letter of invitation. He will move out of the room and now it's time to fight.
Use the anita trigger to get a companion sired in her room and fuck her up.
When Anita is dead you'll get Anita's head. Hand the anita head + golden key
to a paladin and have him unlock the door to furloin's room (3s from anita) and
give him the head so he doesn't sanc. Kill furloin and you'll have all of the
EQ back. Get the golden key again and repeat.
Helm/Crown of the Knight
You need Best Wishes to get past Eremit
Once you get best wishes head to the Demon of Gold
From Eremit: walk w d 5n w 3n 2e n w 4n u
Head a random direction, then get treasure it will summon you to Demon of Gold
Kill and then get all
Before that, if you hunt bandit chief, he will be in the forest area. Enter tent, kill the chief, then use his key to go s, e and d. The dragon lance (94 spear) is here.
Note that this bandit
2w 3n 2e n w n will lead to hazzach's lair.
Killing hazzach will give scales, and the dragons will each give skins. It's possible to combine the skins to give Dragon Scale Armor, but I can't remember which npc does it.
Kill necromancer to get yellow token. Kill the clerics first.
Kill giant for cyan token.
At cannon, try pull cannon. Will spawn miner ghost, which drops gem of unveiling.
Kill the assassin for red token.
There's a switch at the bottom level to turn on the lights. Not sure what this does.
Boss is 3 mobs (elf/dwarf/ahazu), that need to die soon after each other, else they rez each other.
Ash last = Earth Shaper, Rakuum last = Excavactor, Udrai last - Magmas Edge.
4 Red tokens - Redwater Ring
4 Cyan - Miner Belt
4 Yellow - Contagion crossbow
Hack and slash your way to victory.
Once you've killed Zequan, the key unlocks a vendor by the first mob which sells weapons.
There's an EQ exchange machine out front.
Vendor weapons:
Assault Scythe
Drops from Zequan:
Shroud of Wrath
Dragonscale Pixane
Presumably the other dragonscale 100 items.
Go up, kill the guardian mob and get the key to enter.
Kill all the acolytes. They will drop the key eventually. Also have chance to drop transluscent tokens.
Open the door to the next area.
Kill all the ardents. Chance to drop transluscent token.
Merge peppermint and ginseng to get a bundle of herbs. Merge with crystal vial (dropped from acolytes and ardents) to get a lively potion, which protects against sleep.
Kill the necromancer to the east and the mage to the west. (Necro chance to drop Legplates of Eternal Dread)
Kill the sprite in the middle to get the key to the next area.
Fight the paladin gardener. When he leaves, he leaves behind a shield wall. Kill it, it drops a mirror shield. Make sure to wear it before going north, else you'll eat a siva sac.
Rinse and repeat until gardener is dead. He drops a rose covered spear.
Go to next area to fight Vidon. Straightforward fight: If he ports you and emotes that he's standing south, go all north or vice versa.
After he's dead (no loot yet), go east and loot the altar for an item (random?). Talisman of Rejection.
At the se corner, go north once. Try push tombstone
Go foward until mountain of bones. S w , try pull lever, e e, try pull lever. (Which lever you pull seems to determine the loot? Unconfirmed. Originally assumed it was a rotating floor, but that doesn't work)
Go back and down. Have to fight through a bunch of mobs. Seems to be noflee, fights seem quite tough. They spawn new mobs when they die (lich clerics, skeleton mages), so finish off the new mobs first before spawning more.
At the treasure room, make sure your entire group is in the room before killing the mob.
Flesh Girdle
Spinal Cord
Spiral Bone fragment
Kill Kolthaar for Demon's Jaw. He summons Cyclops. If you kill them he resummons. Hurl/Calm/Sleep or just tank them.
West part of platue is Leon. Drops helmet + Doombringer.
Inthe ne part of the plateau, there's the exit to the next area. Next area is maze like, hunt chimera to go through, leads to a chute. Something like 2n, ne, w n ne se.
Inside the maze area, there's an existing east and down, there's an astral mob called living rock. Drops granite sandals
Eastern side of the catacombs
Kill Hellfound for key. When you get to Chimera, careful since it fears. Drops Fleshripper.
After that, kill Black widow (wendingo, use damn blade) for spidersilk cap, and then reflective orb on the floor. Drop the orb in the middle of the catacombs, to dispel the darkness in the ne catacombs to continue.
Locked north door (pass door works) contains an invisible ice box. Key is invisible as well, in the first area, ne of Leon. Contains icicle mitts.
3 bosses: (these are supposed drop heads, which can be turned in to the old man near the start. Zira doesn't seem to drop head though)
Edit: This has been updated so the heads drop. 2 possible rewards: Tri Skull Flail and Fanged Blade.
Calina (heavy edrain, noflee) drops Static Sphere
Tor drops Demon Fur
Zira (Disarms. Ignores damned blade) drops Plague Spreaders Whip
Portal opens to Rahu. He drops Demon Flesh.
Get 4 coins.
get all bed from the children room
get all desk from Lord FireStorm room.
try break wine in the wine cellar, get coin.
try push bookcase for the last gold coin.
Go to the backyard, try throw gold/silver/bronze/platinum
Try climb rope to go down. There's a tunnel east.
Bounty hunter in tunnels drops Judgement Day
Eventually, heirloom is on the floor. When you pick it up, it transes to palace square.
Turns into Jagged Poignard/Ring of Sorrow/Mythical Cloak/Mace of Destruction/Pair of Furry Boots
All items are owned
92 Gear off thrifty Seeker: Halo of Hope, Mechanical Calf Implants, Silk Glvoes, Lumberjacks Axe, Temple Guisarme, Seeker's delight.
The cliff itself is limited to 2 people. The lake area is not.
Probably worth killing snow leopards instead of fleeing, since they chase.
A camouflaged hunter is invis/hidden, at the top of the mountain. Has Leopard Hunting Gun.
One of the scat piles has a garbage key. This is used to open the waste bin in the hospital (hunt base camp medic) for a whip.
Kill savage lemmings for fur. They room aggro. Give 5/6 to seamstress. Gves lemming fur suit.
At the base of the mountain, in a lake, diver drops Diving Fins. With fins? go to Rickety Pier. Try dive pier spawns you at Bottom of the Lake with Leviathan. Leviathan drols Caldazar Heirloom (treasure). Give to Ghost of Sehtra to get Caldazar Heirloom (weapon)
Find remains of Elnith Father + mother up the mountain. Will spawn a ghost on looting the corpse.
Give corpses to Elnith. Rewards Elnith's Family Crest
Find a rickety board + climbing spike. merge them to create a climbing board with a spike.
At the bridge filled with lemmings, try affix board to cross sw.
Past the bridge, find the bandit camp. If you kill all the bandits, and try climb tree at the end, you find the bandit captain.
You can join or kill.
If you kill he backstabs you, so you need to go back afterwards to fight him. Doesn't seem to do anything though. (Chance to drop Bandit Mark apparently)
If you join, he asks you to rescue his men. There's a thin ice area with a snow giant. Not sure what to do: captured bandit mob is probably inside. Farsight says captured bandit is in “A Deep Pit” room. Can't seem to pathfinder it, so probably need mprogs to get there.
Edit: You need to find snow giant: Enter the room while invis (both players) and follow the mprog. Gives bandit mark.
Hellhound drops obsidian key. Go up to open the obsidian chest, which gives Obsidian Bow
At the top is Olgar the cyclops Quite painful. Drops Eye of the Cyclops/Cyclops Skull/Imprisonment/Eternal Damnation
Note on corpse say says something about Dwarfbreath and goatskin. Maybe supposed to poison the cyclops? Edit: Merging Dwarfbreath and Goatskin gives cyclops killer held item. Each person can use it (hold it, then try throw) once for a chunk of damage. Assume “cooldown” resets when cyclops dies.
Light/Heavy Alloy Climbing gear is from this zone somehow. Adamantium/Titanium blacksmith related probably? Not the crafting materials.
try push rock with sufficient str to get cloaking device. go north to the entrance.
Kill guard, get left hand. Wear it and touch scanner. Seems to be solo. Don't quit while inside, or you'll get ported to Cell keeper.
West of entrance is a guard, kill it for guard pants/shirt/contacts. Wear them, we need them to go: 2e s d, then kill harold. Makre sure to kil him before he throws you out. He drops keys to the corporate office.
From the entrance again (u n w), go n. Go all the way west, “try look scanner” along the way while weariing the contacs. Then go south, to combat exoskeleton, which has power link. He drops key to the weaponry.
Go back north, then along the way east, there's a cyborg guard behind a locked door to the south. Go in, kill the guard for Plasma sword. You'll drop the key and end up in the locked room with a vent. open vent, then enter vent.
From Center, all east to the research area, then ne to get the wrench and glycerin. go back to the center, then n and w to the shopkeeper. He setlls a pipe, nitration kit and a bunch of wires. Give the nitration kit and the glycern to get nitroglycer dust. Merge with the pipe for a pipe bomb.
Merge wires:
(lvl 90 treasure) "WBlGR" - A White/Blue wire next to a Green wire\\ (lvl 90 treasure) "WGrBL" - A White/Green wire next to a Blue wire\\ (lvl 90 treasure) "WBrBR" A White/Brown wire next to a Brown wire\\ (lvl 90 treasure) "WOrOr" - A White/Orange wire next to an Orange Wire
Next Step:
(lvl 90 treasure) "Left Half" - The Left Half of a CAT5 Wire\\ (lvl 90 treasure) "Right Half" - The Right Half of a CAT5 Wire
(lvl 90 treasure) A CAT5 Wire
(lvl 90 treasure) A Sleeve for CAT5 Wire
To get:
(lvl 90 treasure) A Patch Cable
Go north then upstairs. Kill corey to get access to ceo (west), then kill ceo to get emergency key (east side)
Give patch to jamie for key to the armory. then kill her for the braided ethernet cable. Network admin.. might be killable, but difficult to solo. Not sure if it drops anything.
Downstairs again:
On the east side, there's a cyborg guard so the south (armory) that drops a bullet proof vest. He also makes you drop the key. open vent, enter vent.
Undernearth the research assistance is the emegency exit. Cyborg watchman here has Pneumatic Pressure boots.
On the west side, there's a break room with a gas line. Try command: try ignite pipe or try plant bomb gas
To get to netherworld, follow the run for abyss to get mothers love and xunil shell from Deathmaster.
Note that at some point deathmaster will portal away. you need to quickly go to snitchk's room, which is in the north eastern part of the maze (the dead end with the east exit) and go down. Sniktch can now drop boots of Despair as well.
Go to fire demon (western part of the maze)
Follow the rest of the Abyss run for Horror/Crystall ball. However, do not recall, enter mural. You'll end up in Netherworld.
West has an old guy with some backrgound info, go north to fight Abyssal Snikch. He drops 2x Abyssal Blade. Note: Quite painful single target damage. Bring a healer.
2n after that to fight True Agony. He drops Sash of Pain and Abyssal key. Room dracs, uses mana burn and 1000 needles.
open d (will up the key), nw sw.
Pick up, then follow path to deurges. He drops crimson trenchcoat. He dispels and fire dracs.
Back down ( w d sw s d d d ne w)
Go all north for Tfso. noflee fight. He drops Nether Bands.
Go down to the fifth level. Kill the kobold guardians along the way. Altertively, if you kill all the mobs around you until you gain the respect of the pit, you can walk past the guardians.
At the bottom of the pit, kill Mariliths/Pit fiends untils Asmodeus spawns. He fire dracs and hits really hard.
He drops:
Demon Claw x2
Ring of Asmodeus or Power of Lust or An Enormous Erection.
2 Rings of Asmodeus can be merged into One Ring of Asmodeus
2 Power of Lust combines into Power of Insatiable Lust
Have a certain (high) amount of try and push boulder, or give talia 5000 to push it for you.
Kill all the named mobs before fighting chimera
Known mobs:
Tekalyin the Disciplined
Kasuria the Devout
Velano the Deceptive
Fankir the Mighty
Arbolt the Swift
There's a bunch of chambers which allow you to sacrifice stuff for 97 gear. (Hunt guardian?)
Chamber of Light:
Cloak of Darkness + Skin of Nightcrawler = Cloak of Light
Chamber of Fire:
Glacial Spike + Scales of the White dragon from shrine) = Flaming Spike
Chamber of Ice:
Fire Blade + fang of a Red Dragon(Red dragons in shrine itself) = Ice Blade
Chamber of Disdain:
Crown of Sympathy + Diamond of Kindness(Relic prospector from shrine) = Crown of Disdain
Chamber of Love
Secret Loathing + ?
Be invis to avoid the ward. They drop petal pistol (90 2h gun)
Kill Red Nasty for The Gosh-Wow Incendiary Implement
Use to navigate.
Main area:
Eclaire drops Lipstick Whip.
The knights in the battlefield area drop weapons:
Black drops Wyrm Slayer
Green drops Green Battleaxe
Red drops Blood Rain
Blue drops Glacial Spike
There's a dying soldier asking for water. Unknown which water: it's not the basin from the city. Create water also doesn't work.
The black/green knights also drop head. Go to the tent and you'll get some papers. Co to the cottage area, and the queen will give you a ceremonial sword for it. Unknown purpose.
Night Area
There are 2 locked door (can't pick/shoot or pass door) in night area. Unknown purpose.
Dragon/Hell area
There's a demon barrier, and somehint about a chunk of gold. There's also a room near the hatchings where the descriptions hint at a pickaxe and gold. Unknown command.
In angel portion:
3 different Seraphims drops Halo of Protection/Holy Light/Angelic Requiems
Blind seems to prevent their more annoying spells, like smite spam.
In central area:
Killing all the guards shows you:
Curator says 'Well, it looks like you were playing with the guards.'
Curator says 'Not a big deal, but it is the only way I get visitors any more.'
Curator gives you An Onyx Key.
Curator says 'That was found in the museum, see if you can find out what it opens.'
Curator says 'Also, if you ever happen to find these two rare treasures I'd pay you well for them.'
Curator says 'They are a priceless painting and the Gods of Aarchon statue set.'
Curator says 'The door is to the south.'
Curator says 'Have a pleasant day.'
These items are in the night section. They required the queens heart (frtom Ryoko) to access.
Note: I really don't think this run is viable without a full time healer. Just too much damage. 3 people required.
You can skip this if you already have a license.
Go to excelsior and talk to Captain Lammers.
Go to galaxy and talk to Admiral Dumoch at the hotel.
Then go to Kaia, also im galaxy.
Give her 25k. Learn to fly.
Start of actual run:
Go back to Excelsior and go north.
Sort out pilot and wingman.
Pilot plays plane game, while the wingman kill gargs. Wingman can be triggered, so run can be done wit 1 person and 3 chars. Not that easy though.
After plane game, go up and talk to Cordalia. You get a crate with a 2 translucent tokens as a reward.
Tripping laser wires causesa goblins security guard to spawn, so try to avoid it.
West for Sinrathra. Quite painful, doesn't sem to drop anything. Guarding the west switch. Leave 1 guy sitting on the switch.
n w to Fabans. Also really painful. Sit on the switch and move the first guy up once you're done.
s s w to Joorl, sit on the switch and then finally
w n to flip switch and turn off lasers.
Back to the ladder. open crate and get loot (Plate of Zenith, Spiral Sleeves, Galactic Grasp, Sun Ring)
Go up and get ambushed by soldiers. Rest up, then 2w for elite guards. west against for protector.
South, flip the switch, then north and west for the warlord.
Warlord hits quiite hard and raises zombie mages/healers, which you should kill first.
Once warlord is dead, crate contains 2 items (Pulsar Point,Metoric Bulwark, Comet Kickers, Stars Reach, Stardust Glaive)
Hunt drow hunter for Raked Axe (hidden)
Talk to the unicorn king (eastern side, huntable, say misery), then find and kill the magemaster(up from drow village, huntable) to get the horn.
Go fight nightcrawler (unicorn king will help and tank). You can skip the unicorn king and just fight him directly. Drops Nightcrawler skin.
A Collossal Owl gives Owl Feathers(97 caster hands). Feral ants along the way are aggro and painful. It's on one of the branches above the termite area.
2 dragons at the top.
Sun Dragon drops Ethereal Dragon Scales. Spams fire dracs.
Sorkahn drops Dragon Screech. Immune fatal blow(bash?) Also spams fire dracs.
No idea how to get into Heart of the Timber.
Not alignment related. Tried using shades/sunglasses. Tried entering with a ranger. Probabl related to drops? 1 of the mobs drops a petrified bird corpse.
Sharks drop broken locket and license plate. These can be merged into heart of parademia
Capybara drop foul stench. Anaconds drop grey matter. These can be merged into essence of parademia
Find the body of parademia in the hut. Spawns resurrection of parademia when you give it the heart and essence.
Drops: Fang of the Everlost/Cloak of the Plague lord. 93. Unknown if there's 97 gear.
Kill toxic mold for toxic mold. (Or random drop rate) Drop in in the nook for a chest. Contains Typoons Song. (97 2h flail)
Savage werewolf has chance to drop a werewolf fang (97 spear). Pick lock works. else the key (a thin bone) drops randomly off skeletons. The fang is invisible.
Solo run, caster.
Bring bless pills/make sure you can bless yourself.
Enter, go down into library area.
Go north, kill libratians if they block the way.
Kill high cleric for hand.
Dispel sanc off high cleric. stop, curse aunt/disease might do something too.
Kill high templar for hand
makes sure to rebless, or he nukes you. if needed, can flee heal and just tank it.
Kill illusionist for hand.
He makes illusions. just kill them.
Go south, open the door with the hands.
Kill head librarian.
Kill Sidea. dragonborn. Color determines immunity/vulns.
Drops: Binding of Righteosness, Disbcrse of Ancients, Archicist Sash.