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eq_runs [2024/08/24 10:34]
eq_runs [2024/09/03 08:18] (current)
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 Kill Sidea. dragonborn. Color determines immunity/​vulns. \\ Kill Sidea. dragonborn. Color determines immunity/​vulns. \\
 Drops: Binding of Righteosness,​ Disbcrse of Ancients, Archicist Sash. Drops: Binding of Righteosness,​ Disbcrse of Ancients, Archicist Sash.
 +====== Pyramid of the Sun ======
 +Glass belt off crackrose: open sw fro jordan, just keep scanning/​killing for keys until youyu get to crackross.
 +Broken down smithy equipment \\
 +kill curtis for the (truth), and give that to Jordan, jordan is down from \\
 +the dome, curtis is all north pass the door, then east
 +Guitar string.
 +Give banjo to jimi. he's north of music town. keys are all off music town mobs.
 +Go all north from main street. go east. say may i please enter .Kill god.
 +Horse hair
 +Go all north from main street. go west. say let me in damnit.kill satan.
eq_runs.1724495696.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/08/24 10:34 by fallenangel