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eq_runs [2022/08/27 07:50]
Shinsetsu [The Pit]
eq_runs [2024/09/03 08:18] (current)
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 ===== Alcatraz ===== ===== Alcatraz =====
-<font 10.0pt/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Parrot,​ Hunting Knife, Steel Ring, Tan Hat, Obisidian Necklace, A-8 rifle, Leather Boots, Soul Blighter, DD8 Handgun, Dolb’s Axe, Lab Coat, Safety Goggles, Vial</​font>​+<font 10.0pt/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Parrot,​ Hunting Knife, Steel Ring, Tan Hat, Obisidian Necklace, A-8 rifle, Leather Boots, Soul Blighter, DD8 Handgun, Dolb’s Axe, Lab Coat, Safety Goggles, Vial, frozen slab of meat.</​font>​
 <font 10.0pt/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Walking directions are:</​font><​font 10.0pt/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​26e,​ open east, 8e to fisherman. Then fly</​font><​font 10.0pt/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​and be invis and go 2n e n s 2e n e n e n.</​font>​ <font 10.0pt/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Walking directions are:</​font><​font 10.0pt/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​26e,​ open east, 8e to fisherman. Then fly</​font><​font 10.0pt/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​and be invis and go 2n e n s 2e n e n e n.</​font>​
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 <font 10.0pt/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Kill the guard west of the ticket taker for the DD8 Handgun.</​font>​ <font 10.0pt/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Kill the guard west of the ticket taker for the DD8 Handgun.</​font>​
 +<font 10.0pt/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Frozen slab of meat</​font>​
 +<font 13.3333px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Have detect invis. Kill the keymaster north of rivolt for an invis key, which gives you access to the butcher, south of the convicts. Kill him he'll run and drop a shoe. Go kill spoon for a bag of dirt (north part of the guards, in a tunnel).</​font>​
 +<font 13.3333px/​inherit;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Wander around the guards in main convict area with shoe/dirt, and you'll eventually get to fight the butcher. He drops a frozen slab of meat (invis),</​font>​
 ---- ----
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 2 Power of Lust combines into Power of Insatiable Lust 2 Power of Lust combines into Power of Insatiable Lust
 ===== Spectral ===== ===== Spectral =====
 +Have a certain (high) amount of try and push boulder, or give talia 5000 to push it for you.
 Kill all the named mobs before fighting chimera Kill all the named mobs before fighting chimera
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 Use [[https://​​arc/​static/​imgs/​maps/​surreallife.jpg|https://​​arc/​static/​imgs/​maps/​surreallife.jpg]] to navigate. Use [[https://​​arc/​static/​imgs/​maps/​surreallife.jpg|https://​​arc/​static/​imgs/​maps/​surreallife.jpg]] to navigate.
 +Main area:
 +Eclaire drops Lipstick Whip.
 The knights in the battlefield area drop weapons: The knights in the battlefield area drop weapons:
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 There'​s a dying soldier asking for water. Unknown which water: it's not the basin from the city. Create water also doesn'​t work. There'​s a dying soldier asking for water. Unknown which water: it's not the basin from the city. Create water also doesn'​t work.
-The black/green knights also drop head. Go to the tent and you'll get some papers. Co to the copttage ​area, and the queen will give you a ceremonial sword for it. Unknown purpose.+The black/green knights also drop head. Go to the tent and you'll get some papers. Co to the cottage ​area, and the queen will give you a ceremonial sword for it. Unknown purpose.
 Night Area Night Area
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 Blind seems to prevent their more annoying spells, like smite spam. Blind seems to prevent their more annoying spells, like smite spam.
 +In central area:
 +Killing all the guards shows you:
 +Curator says 'Well, it looks like you were playing with the guards.'​ \\
 +Curator says 'Not a big deal, but it is the only way I get visitors any more.' \\
 +Curator gives you An Onyx Key. \\
 +Curator says 'That was found in the museum, see if you can find out what it opens.'​ \\
 +Curator says 'Also, if you ever happen to find these two rare treasures I'd pay you well for them.' \\
 +Curator says 'They are a priceless painting and the Gods of Aarchon statue set.' \\
 +Curator says 'The door is to the south.'​ \\
 +Curator says 'Have a pleasant day.'
 +These items are in the night section. They required the queens heart (frtom Ryoko) to access.
 ===== Galaxy Fleet ===== ===== Galaxy Fleet =====
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 Note: I really don't think this run is viable without a full time healer. Just too much damage. 3 people required. Note: I really don't think this run is viable without a full time healer. Just too much damage. 3 people required.
-You can skip this if you already have a license.\\ +You can skip this if you already have a license. \\ 
-Go to excelsior and talk to Captain Lammers.\\ +Go to excelsior and talk to Captain Lammers. \\ 
-Go to galaxy and talk to Admiral Dumoch at the hotel.\\ +Go to galaxy and talk to Admiral Dumoch at the hotel. \\ 
-Then go to Kaia, also im galaxy.\\+Then go to Kaia, also im galaxy. \\
 Give her 25k. Learn to fly. Give her 25k. Learn to fly.
 Start of actual run: Start of actual run:
-Go back to Excelsior and go north.\\ +Go back to Excelsior and go north. \\ 
-Sort out pilot and wingman.\\ +Sort out pilot and wingman. \\ 
-Pilot plays plane game, while the wingman kill gargs. Wingman can be triggered, so run can be done wit 1 person and 3 chars. Not that easy though.\\+Pilot plays plane game, while the wingman kill gargs. Wingman can be triggered, so run can be done wit 1 person and 3 chars. Not that easy though. \\
 After plane game, go up and talk to Cordalia. You get a crate with a 2 translucent tokens as a reward. After plane game, go up and talk to Cordalia. You get a crate with a 2 translucent tokens as a reward.
-Tripping laser wires causesa goblins security guard to spawn, so try to avoid it.\\ +Tripping laser wires causesa goblins security guard to spawn, so try to avoid it. \\ 
-West for Sinrathra. Quite painful, doesn'​t sem to drop anything. Guarding the west switch. Leave 1 guy sitting on the switch.\\ +West for Sinrathra. Quite painful, doesn'​t sem to drop anything. Guarding the west switch. Leave 1 guy sitting on the switch. \\ 
-n w to Fabans. Also really painful. Sit on the switch and move the first guy up once you're done.\\ +n w to Fabans. Also really painful. Sit on the switch and move the first guy up once you're done. \\ 
-s s w to Joorl, sit on the switch and then finally\\+s s w to Joorl, sit on the switch and then finally \\
 w n to flip switch and turn off lasers. w n to flip switch and turn off lasers.
 Back to the ladder. open crate and get loot (Plate of Zenith, Spiral Sleeves, Galactic Grasp, Sun Ring) Back to the ladder. open crate and get loot (Plate of Zenith, Spiral Sleeves, Galactic Grasp, Sun Ring)
-Go up and get ambushed by soldiers. Rest up, then 2w for elite guards. west against for protector.\\ +Go up and get ambushed by soldiers. Rest up, then 2w for elite guards. west against for protector. \\ 
-South, flip the switch, then north and west for the warlord.\\ +South, flip the switch, then north and west for the warlord. \\ 
-Warlord hits quiite hard and raises zombie mages/​healers,​ which you should kill first.\\+Warlord hits quiite hard and raises zombie mages/​healers,​ which you should kill first. \\
 Once warlord is dead, crate contains 2 items (Pulsar Point,​Metoric Bulwark, Comet Kickers, Stars Reach, Stardust Glaive) Once warlord is dead, crate contains 2 items (Pulsar Point,​Metoric Bulwark, Comet Kickers, Stars Reach, Stardust Glaive)
 +=====   =====
 +===== Darkwood =====
 +Hunt drow hunter for Raked Axe (hidden)
 +Talk to the unicorn king (eastern side, huntable, say misery), then find and kill the magemaster(up from drow village, huntable) to get the horn.
 +Go fight nightcrawler (unicorn king will help and tank). You can skip the unicorn king and just fight him directly. Drops Nightcrawler skin.
 +===== Petrified Timber =====
 +A Collossal Owl gives Owl Feathers(97 caster hands). Feral ants along the way are aggro and painful. It's on one of the branches above the termite area.
 +2 dragons at the top.
 +Sun Dragon drops Ethereal Dragon Scales. Spams fire dracs.
 +Sorkahn drops Dragon Screech. Immune fatal blow(bash?) Also spams fire dracs.
 +No idea how to get into Heart of the Timber.
 +Not alignment related. Tried using shades/​sunglasses. Tried entering with a ranger. Probabl related to drops? 1 of the mobs drops a petrified bird corpse.
 +===== Isle of Parademia =====
 +Sharks drop broken locket and license plate. These can be merged into heart of parademia
 +Capybara drop foul stench. Anaconds drop grey matter. These can be merged into essence of parademia
 +Find the body of parademia in the hut. Spawns resurrection of parademia when you give it the heart and essence.
 +Drops: Fang of the Everlost/​Cloak of the Plague lord. 93. Unknown if there'​s 97 gear.
 +===== Crypt =====
 +Kill toxic mold for toxic mold. (Or random drop rate) Drop in in the nook for a chest. Contains Typoons Song. (97 2h flail)
 +Savage werewolf has chance to drop a werewolf fang (97 spear). Pick lock works. else the key (a thin bone) drops randomly off skeletons. The fang is invisible.
 +===== Archives of Zequan =====
 +Solo run, caster. \\
 +Bring bless pills/make sure you can bless yourself.
 +Enter, go down into library area.
 +Go north, kill libratians if they block the way.
 +Kill high cleric for hand. \\
 +Dispel sanc off high cleric. stop, curse aunt/​disease might do something too.
 +Kill high templar for hand \\
 +makes sure to rebless, or he nukes you. if needed, can flee heal and just tank it.
 +Kill illusionist for hand. \\
 +He makes illusions. just kill them.
 +Go south, open the door with the hands. \\
 +Kill head librarian.
 +Kill Sidea. dragonborn. Color determines immunity/​vulns. \\
 +Drops: Binding of Righteosness,​ Disbcrse of Ancients, Archicist Sash.
 +====== Pyramid of the Sun ======
 +Glass belt off crackrose: open sw fro jordan, just keep scanning/​killing for keys until youyu get to crackross.
 +Broken down smithy equipment \\
 +kill curtis for the (truth), and give that to Jordan, jordan is down from \\
 +the dome, curtis is all north pass the door, then east
 +Guitar string.
 +Give banjo to jimi. he's north of music town. keys are all off music town mobs.
 +Go all north from main street. go east. say may i please enter .Kill god.
 +Horse hair
 +Go all north from main street. go west. say let me in damnit.kill satan.
eq_runs.1661586600.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/27 07:50 by Shinsetsu