
Alternative “Guide”:

Bring invis pots before walking around.

s g;w;w;sw;nw;n;w;w;w;w;g all cactus;

w;w;w;g all prickly;w;n;n;ne;s;buy glove;buy pipe;n;sw;s;s;e;e;e;n;n;fol ravik

;fol self:gt back to crater;e;e;n;e;u

d;w;gt get ready for fight to the north. h

g corpse;unlock west;open w;w;w;w;w;nw;open n;gt get read for fight to the north

get cor;s;sw;w;wear 'power glove';g all;e;ne;se;e;e;e;e;s;s;w;w;n;n;w;w;sw;s;open down;d;se;u;e;nw;w;ne;drink puddle;sw;s;o comp sleep ben;sleep bench

wake;n;sw;sw;rest;o com sleep
kill sherif

g corpse;sw;nw;n;w;w;w;s;s;w;w;w;s;say yes;n;e;e;e;n;n;n;ngt spellup, hard guard to the north;

g all cyborg;g corpse;w;nw;n;w;e;s;se;e;s;s;s;s;s;w;w;w;s;say 1000;n;e;e;e;n;n;e;e;se;se;s;s;sw;s;e

g corpse;e;unlock s;open s;s; g all;n;w;w;w;sw;w;n;s;merge bomb wireless;drop bomb;n;try detonate bomb;n;e;e;e;e;e;e;n;ne;e;n;e;u;d;w;s;w;sw;w;nw;dep all;se;e;n;n;n;n;s;n;s;n;s;n