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spears [2015/01/29 03:46]
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-^**<font 12pt:​normal/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​NAME</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​LVL</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​DAM</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​AVG</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​Type</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​WFlag</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​STR</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​CON</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​VIT</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​AGI</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​DEX</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​INT</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​WIS</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​DEX</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​DIS</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​CHA</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​LUC</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​HP</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​MN</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​MV</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​HR</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​DR</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​SV</​font> ​ **  ^**<font 10pt:​bold/​Courier New;;#​000000;;​inherit>​Other</​font> ​ **  | 
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spears.1422503181.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/01/29 03:46 by umbra