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remort_6_second [2022/04/29 20:41]
astark created
remort_6_second [2022/04/29 20:42] (current)
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-/Copy and paste from the top of each ***** to the bottom of each ***** into the zMUD command line in order to use these. +<font inherit/Courier New,​Courier,​monospace;;​inherit;;​inherit>​Copy and paste from the top of each * to the bottom of each * into the zMUD command line in order to use these. *\\
- +
 #CLASS {remort6}\\ #CLASS {remort6}\\
 #ALIAS {item1} {e;open north;​n;​n;​n;​e;​e;​get all shelv;​w;​w;​s;​s;​get all stat;​w;​s;​get all stat;​n;​w;​get all stat;​e;​n;​get all stat;​n;​n;​open north;n;get all ped}\\ #ALIAS {item1} {e;open north;​n;​n;​n;​e;​e;​get all shelv;​w;​w;​s;​s;​get all stat;​w;​s;​get all stat;​n;​w;​get all stat;​e;​n;​get all stat;​n;​n;​open north;n;get all ped}\\
Line 7: Line 5:
 #ALIAS {item3} {w;get all shelv;​e;​merge spirits death;drop death;merge naught toad;drop stupid;​merge pupp altar;drop minds;merge power trad;drop magick;​merge earth musson;drop elemental;​merge white spirit;drop purity;​merge yorke catalog;​drop cast;merge bib shadow;drop casting;get all}\\ #ALIAS {item3} {w;get all shelv;​e;​merge spirits death;drop death;merge naught toad;drop stupid;​merge pupp altar;drop minds;merge power trad;drop magick;​merge earth musson;drop elemental;​merge white spirit;drop purity;​merge yorke catalog;​drop cast;merge bib shadow;drop casting;get all}\\
 #ALIAS {item4} {merge earth elemental;​merge cast casting;​merge stupid mind;merge death pur;merge mental truth;merge life nature;​merge mental mind}\\ #ALIAS {item4} {merge earth elemental;​merge cast casting;​merge stupid mind;merge death pur;merge mental truth;merge life nature;​merge mental mind}\\
-#TRIGGER {The Illusion says 'Give me the book... i guess i can always give it a try.'} {give book illu}\\+#TRIGGER {The Illusion says 'Give me the book… i guess i can always give it a try.'} {give book illu}\\
 #TRIGGER {The Illusion says '​Return to me when you have collected it.'} {s;​s;​e;​e;​s;​s;​s;​s;​s;​s;​open south;​s;​blow cand;get sword;​n;​w;​w;#​10 s;enter portal;open northeast;​ne;​e;​e;​e;​open north;​n;​n;​give sword lotus}\\ #TRIGGER {The Illusion says '​Return to me when you have collected it.'} {s;​s;​e;​e;​s;​s;​s;​s;​s;​s;​open south;​s;​blow cand;get sword;​n;​w;​w;#​10 s;enter portal;open northeast;​ne;​e;​e;​e;​open north;​n;​n;​give sword lotus}\\
 #TRIGGER {A mutated Black Lotus drops Sword of Frost.} {get lotus;​s;​s;​w;​w;​w;​sw;​enter portal;#20 n;pour vial out;open desk;get all desk;s;drop ghost;sac ghost}\\ #TRIGGER {A mutated Black Lotus drops Sword of Frost.} {get lotus;​s;​s;​w;​w;​w;​sw;​enter portal;#20 n;pour vial out;open desk;get all desk;s;drop ghost;sac ghost}\\
 #TRIGGER {The Illusion exclaims 'You found it! Excellent! Do not enter the tower yet though!'​} {s;n}\\ #TRIGGER {The Illusion exclaims 'You found it! Excellent! Do not enter the tower yet though!'​} {s;n}\\
-#TRIGGER {The Illusion says '​Ruthan The Illusionist used to hold the key to the Tower of Air...'} {s;n}\\ +#TRIGGER {The Illusion says '​Ruthan The Illusionist used to hold the key to the Tower of Air'} {s;n}\\ 
-#TRIGGER {The Illusion says 'Good luck finding a living Black Lotus around here...'} {s;n}\\+#TRIGGER {The Illusion says 'Good luck finding a living Black Lotus around here'} {s;n}\\
 #TRIGGER {Just run very fast and take the crystal from its pedestal, do not idle anywhere.'​} {#18 s;enter globe;n}\\ #TRIGGER {Just run very fast and take the crystal from its pedestal, do not idle anywhere.'​} {#18 s;enter globe;n}\\
 #TRIGGER {You get sucked into a vortex between space and time.} {#wait 3000;​n;​e;​d;​n;​sw;​d;​ne;​s;​e;​u;​w;​ne;​n;​n;​e;​n;​nw;​s}\\ #TRIGGER {You get sucked into a vortex between space and time.} {#wait 3000;​n;​e;​d;​n;​sw;​d;​ne;​s;​e;​u;​w;​ne;​n;​n;​e;​n;​nw;​s}\\
 #CLASS {0}\\ #CLASS {0}\\
-***** +* *Find the lich in the first area. He is south of the rune*\\
- +
-*Find the lich in the first area. He is south of the rune*\\+
 *Kill the lich, then get the opal that he drops.*\\ *Kill the lich, then get the opal that he drops.*\\
 *Walk back to the rune and type "​item1"​*\\ *Walk back to the rune and type "​item1"​*\\
Line 25: Line 21:
 *Give all the remort items to the altar (not any scrolls that you may have picked up)*\\ *Give all the remort items to the altar (not any scrolls that you may have picked up)*\\
 *Enter the portal, go sw,s,get all hole,​n,​ne,​3n*\\ *Enter the portal, go sw,s,get all hole,​n,​ne,​3n*\\
-*Here comes the hard part, with the boulder. Follow directions or get pwned.* +*Here comes the hard part, with the boulder. Follow directions or get pwned.* First off, you might be one room too far south, I don't remember so I stopped you just in case\\ 
- +Wait 30 seconds. If you don't see the message "You hear something being crushed to the north" then move north.\\ 
- First off, you might be one room too far south, I don't remember so I stopped you just in case\\ +If you do see that message then don't move north – continue reading\\ 
- Wait 30 seconds. If you don't see the message "You hear something being crushed to the north" then move north.\\ +When you see "You hear something being crushed" then spam scan one line at a time\\ 
- If you do see that message then don't move north -- continue reading\\ +From my experience it generally takes 16 scans until the boulder is gone.\\ 
- When you see "You hear something being crushed..." then spam scan one line at a time\\ +As SOON as its gone go 2n.\\ 
- From my experience it generally takes 16 scans until the boulder is gone.\\ +Now go north until you can go west\\ 
- As SOON as its gone go 2n.\\ +Go 2w,open south,​s,​unlock paint,open paint,get all paint\\ 
- Now go north until you can go west\\ +Now go back to the room that was 2n of the boulder. Don't go too far south or you're gonna get pwned\\ 
- Go 2w,open south,​s,​unlock paint,open paint,get all paint\\ +Wait until you see the message that says "You hear something being crushed to the south"​\\ 
- Now go back to the room that was 2n of the boulder. Don't go too far south or you're gonna get pwned\\ +Scan until its gone, then go south,​scan,​south. I suggest entering all the commands in one line.\\ 
- Wait until you see the message that says "You hear something being crushed to the south"​\\ +If the boulder was to the west then you are going to let it pass to the east\\ 
- Scan until its gone, then go south,​scan,​south. I suggest entering all the commands in one line.\\ +If the boulder was to the east you are going to let it pass to the west then back east before moving\\ 
- If the boulder was to the west then you are going to let it pass to the east\\ +Read below even if you aren't dumb so you know what to do\\ 
- If the boulder was to the east you are going to let it pass to the west then back east before moving\\ +==Example for the Dumb=====\\ 
- Read below even if you aren't dumb so you know what to do\\ +You see a large boulder to the east\\ 
- ​==Example for the Dumb=====\\ +*Now you've moved south cause you entered '​south;​scan;​south'​ all in one line*\\ 
-     ​You see a large boulder to the east\\ +You hear a large crushing sound to the north\\ 
-     ​*Now you've moved south cause you entered '​south;​scan;​south'​ all in one line*\\ +*Wait, cause its moving west*\\ 
-     ​You hear a large crushing sound to the north\\ +You hear a large crushing sound to the north\\ 
-     ​*Wait, cause its moving west*\\ +*Spam scan until its gone*\\ 
-     ​You hear a large crushing sound to the north\\ +*Move north,​west,​unlock down,open down,​down*\\ 
-     ​*Spam scan until its gone*\\ +==End of example for dumb==\\ 
-     ​*Move north,​west,​unlock down,open down,​down*\\ +Type flip switch a few times until you see the message the boulder stops rolling *Type item2*\\
- ==End of example for dumb==\\ +
- Type flip switch a few times until you see the message the boulder stops rolling +
- +
-*Type item2*\\+
 *Now go through the whole library typing get all shelv*\\ *Now go through the whole library typing get all shelv*\\
 *Make sure you have one copy of each book. If you have duplicates drop and sacrifice them.*\\ *Make sure you have one copy of each book. If you have duplicates drop and sacrifice them.*\\
Line 62: Line 54:
 *Let triggers take care of the rest for a few minutes (Hint: You can go piss)*\\ *Let triggers take care of the rest for a few minutes (Hint: You can go piss)*\\
 *When you come back you will need to answer the riddles.*\\ *When you come back you will need to answer the riddles.*\\
-*This can be done via google. Its pretty easy, a handful you don't even need google. ​-- eventually I may implement triggers to answer riddles*\\+*This can be done via google. Its pretty easy, a handful you don't even need google. ​– eventually I may implement triggers to answer riddles*\\
 *Now you're on to the fighting. No more triggers for a while.*\\ *Now you're on to the fighting. No more triggers for a while.*\\
 *Good luck, just remember to flee when you're above 2800 hp if you want to live.*\\ *Good luck, just remember to flee when you're above 2800 hp if you want to live.*\\
Line 73: Line 65:
 *Triggers should take you to the test of fire. Head down and follow these directions very closely.*\\ *Triggers should take you to the test of fire. Head down and follow these directions very closely.*\\
 *Read all of this before you do it. There is no time for alt+tab*\\ *Read all of this before you do it. There is no time for alt+tab*\\
- \\ +\\ 
- Type scan. Type it a lot.\\ +Type scan. Type it a lot.\\ 
- If you see a fireball to the north of you, DO NOT MOVE\\ +If you see a fireball to the north of you, DO NOT MOVE\\ 
- If you see a fireball to the south of you, and a fireball to the north of you, DO NOT MOVE\\ +If you see a fireball to the south of you, and a fireball to the north of you, DO NOT MOVE\\ 
- If you see nothing behind you and a fireball to the north of you, DO NOT MOVE\\ +If you see nothing behind you and a fireball to the north of you, DO NOT MOVE\\ 
- If you see a fireball to the south of you and nothing ahead of you, go north\\ +If you see a fireball to the south of you and nothing ahead of you, go north\\ 
- If you see nothing behind you and nothing ahead of you, go north +If you see nothing behind you and nothing ahead of you, go north *These directions should make it very easy on completing the fireball trap.\\
- +
-*These directions should make it very easy on completing the fireball trap.\\+
 *Once I was told how to do the fireball properly I never died on it. You shouldn'​t either.\\ *Once I was told how to do the fireball properly I never died on it. You shouldn'​t either.\\
 *You will reach a room called 'You survived'​\\ *You will reach a room called 'You survived'​\\
Line 87: Line 77:
 *When you come back to your PC you will be at a pedestal.\\ *When you come back to your PC you will be at a pedestal.\\
 *Type get all pedestal to start rolling\\ *Type get all pedestal to start rolling\\
-*The end. +*The end.\\
- +
 ===Getting Snowflakes===\\ ===Getting Snowflakes===\\
 To get snowflakes grab a torch from the room with the cup in it. Then go to the room with the Paladin Frost Sword (2e,open south,s from the 1st library room)\\ To get snowflakes grab a torch from the room with the cup in it. Then go to the room with the Paladin Frost Sword (2e,open south,s from the 1st library room)\\
 Spam blow candle;​light candle\\ Spam blow candle;​light candle\\
-type get all.snow +type get all.snow\\ 
- +Triggers for riddles\\
-\\ +
-//// Triggers for riddles ​////\\+
 #CLASS {remort6}\\ #CLASS {remort6}\\
 #TRIGGER {What goes up and never comes down} {say age}\\ #TRIGGER {What goes up and never comes down} {say age}\\
Line 107: Line 93:
 #TRIGGER {And yet I do all three.} {say fire}\\ #TRIGGER {And yet I do all three.} {say fire}\\
 #TRIGGER {immediately set and harder to break.} {say record}\\ #TRIGGER {immediately set and harder to break.} {say record}\\
-#TRIGGER {Think critically and answer the question...} {say riddle}\\ +#TRIGGER {Think critically and answer the question} {say riddle}\\ 
-#CLASS {0}\\ +#CLASS {0}</font>
-//////////////////////////////​ +
- +
remort_6_second.1651264917.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/29 20:41 by astark