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lua:ch:members [2014/06/20 19:07]
— (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-Properties +
-<​sortable 1> +
-^Field^Get^Set^ +
-| [[.str|str]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.class|class]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.fighting|fighting]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.affects|affects]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.dex|dex]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.level|level]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.size|size]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.move|move]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.hitroll|hitroll]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.damtype|damtype]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.sex|sex]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.himher|himher]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.silver|silver]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.pkdeaths|pkdeaths]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.ischarm|ischarm]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.isneutral|isneutral]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.vit|vit]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.clan|clan]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.cha|cha]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.mobkills|mobkills]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.isimmort|isimmort]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.heshe|heshe]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.clanrank|clanrank]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.luc|luc]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.description|description]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.scroll|scroll]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.explored|explored]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.beheads|beheads]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.bank|bank]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.questpoints|questpoints]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.proto|proto]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.isfollow|isfollow]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.align|align]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.maxmana|maxmana]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.groupsize|groupsize]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.ingame|ingame]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.dis|dis]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.position|position]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.pkills|pkills]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.longdescr|longdescr]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.isevil|isevil]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.shortdescr|shortdescr]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.vnum|vnum]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.mana|mana]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.hp|hp]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.wis|wis]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.mobdeaths|mobdeaths]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.con|con]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.int|int]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.race|race]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.isactive|isactive]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.maxmove|maxmove]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.isgood|isgood]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.achpoints|achpoints]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.inventory|inventory]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.ispc|ispc]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.remorts|remorts]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.money|money]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.hisher|hisher]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.maxhp|maxhp]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.agi|agi]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.pet|pet]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.name|name]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.room|room]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.attacktype|attacktype]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.isnpc|isnpc]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.damnoun|damnoun]] | 0 |  | +
-| [[.gold|gold]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.damroll|damroll]] | 0 | 5 | +
-| [[.stance|stance]] | 0 |  | +
-</​sortable>​ +
-Methods +
-<​sortable 1> +
-^Method^Security^ +
-| [[.mobhere|mobhere]] | 0 | +
-| [[.objhere|objhere]] | 0 | +
-| [[.mobexists|mobexists]] | 0 | +
-| [[.objexists|objexists]] | 0 | +
-| [[.affected|affected]] | 0 | +
-| [[.act|act]] | 0 | +
-| [[.offensive|offensive]] | 0 | +
-| [[.immune|immune]] | 0 | +
-| [[.carries|carries]] | 0 | +
-| [[.wears|wears]] | 0 | +
-| [[.has|has]] | 0 | +
-| [[.uses|uses]] | 0 | +
-| [[.qstatus|qstatus]] | 0 | +
-| [[.resist|resist]] | 0 | +
-| [[.vuln|vuln]] | 0 | +
-| [[.skilled|skilled]] | 0 | +
-| [[.ccarries|ccarries]] | 0 | +
-| [[.qtimer|qtimer]] | 0 | +
-| [[.cansee|cansee]] | 0 | +
-| [[.canattack|canattack]] | 0 | +
-| [[.destroy|destroy]] | 1 | +
-| [[.oload|oload]] | 1 | +
-| [[.say|say]] | 1 | +
-| [[.emote|emote]] | 1 | +
-| [[.mdo|mdo]] | 1 | +
-| [[.tell|tell]] | 1 | +
-| [[.asound|asound]] | 1 | +
-| [[.gecho|gecho]] | 1 | +
-| [[.zecho|zecho]] | 1 | +
-| [[.kill|kill]] | 1 | +
-| [[.assist|assist]] | 1 | +
-| [[.junk|junk]] | 1 | +
-| [[.echo|echo]] | 1 | +
-| [[.mload|mload]] | 1 | +
-| [[.purge|purge]] | 1 | +
-| [[.goto|goto]] | 1 | +
-| [[.at|at]] | 1 | +
-| [[.otransfer|otransfer]] | 1 | +
-| [[.force|force]] | 1 | +
-| [[.gforce|gforce]] | 1 | +
-| [[.vforce|vforce]] | 1 | +
-| [[.cast|cast]] | 1 | +
-| [[.damage|damage]] | 1 | +
-| [[.remove|remove]] | 1 | +
-| [[.remort|remort]] | 1 | +
-| [[.qset|qset]] | 1 | +
-| [[.qadvance|qadvance]] | 1 | +
-| [[.reward|reward]] | 1 | +
-| [[.peace|peace]] | 1 | +
-| [[.restore|restore]] | 1 | +
-| [[.setact|setact]] | 1 | +
-| [[.setvuln|setvuln]] | 1 | +
-| [[.setimmune|setimmune]] | 1 | +
-| [[.setresist|setresist]] | 1 | +
-| [[.hit|hit]] | 1 | +
-| [[.randchar|randchar]] | 0 | +
-| [[.loadprog|loadprog]] | 1 | +
-| [[.loadscript|loadscript]] | 1 | +
-| [[.loadstring|loadstring]] | 1 | +
-| [[.loadfunction|loadfunction]] | 1 | +
-| [[.savetbl|savetbl]] | 1 | +
-| [[.loadtbl|loadtbl]] | 1 | +
-| [[.tprint|tprint]] | 1 | +
-| [[.olc|olc]] | 1 | +
-| [[.delay|delay]] | 1 | +
-| [[.cancel|cancel]] | 1 | +
-| [[.setval|setval]] | 1 | +
-| [[.getval|getval]] | 1 | +
-| [[.rvnum|rvnum]] | 0 | +
-| [[.describe|describe]] | 1 | +
-| [[.addaffect|addaffect]] | 9 | +
-| [[.removeaffect|removeaffect]] | 9 | +
lua/ch/members.1403291258.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/06/20 19:07 by vodur