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lua:ch:members [2014/06/20 16:25]
vodur [dtable]new row added: |as|asd|asd|ads|adsadda|ddd|
— (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-|**Get **  |**Set **  |**Field **  |**Type **  |**Note **  |**Possible values** ​ | 
-|x |x |name |string |Set for NPCs only |  | 
-|x |x |level |number |Set for NPCs only |  | 
-|x |x |hp |number |Set for NPCs only |  | 
-|x |x |maxhp |number |  |  | 
-|x |x |mana |number |Set for NPCs only |  | 
-|x |x |maxmana |number |  |  | 
-|x |x |move |number |Set for NPCs only |  | 
-|x |x |maxmove |number |  |  | 
-|x |x |gold |number |Set for NPCs only |  | 
-|x |x |silver |number |Set for NPCs only |  | 
-|x |  |money |number |total money converted to silver |  | 
-|x |x |sex |string |Set for NPCs only |none,​male,​female,​either | 
-|x |x |size |string |Set for NPCs only |tiny,​small,​medium,​larg,​huge,​giant | 
-|x |  |position |string |  |dead,​mort,​incap,​stun,​sleep,​rest,​sit,​fight,​stand | 
-|x |x |align |number |  |  | 
-|x |x |str |number |Set for NPCs only. Range 1-200. |  | 
-|x |x |con |number |Set for NPCs only. Range 1-200. |  | 
-|x |x |vit |number |Set for NPCs only. Range 1-200. |  | 
-|x |x |agi |number |Set for NPCs only. Range 1-200. |  | 
-|x |x |dex |number |Set for NPCs only. Range 1-200. |  | 
-|x |x |int |number |Set for NPCs only. Range 1-200. |  | 
-|x |x |wis |number |Set for NPCs only. Range 1-200. |  | 
-|x |x |dis |number |Set for NPCs only. Range 1-200. |  | 
-|x |x |cha |number |Set for NPCs only. Range 1-200. |  | 
-|x |x |luc |number |Set for NPCs only. Range 1-200. |  | 
-|x |x |hitroll |number |Get returns current value including all bonuses. Set for NPCs only. Set will set the mob's hitroll percentage, not the direct value. |  | 
-|x |x |damroll |number |Get returns current value including all bonuses. Set for NPCs only. Set will set the mob's damroll percentage, not the direct value. |  | 
-|x |x |attacktype |string |Set for NPCs only. |See '​attack_table'​ table. Value corresponds to '​Name'​ column. | 
-|x |  |damnoun |string |  |See '​attack_table'​ table. Value corresponds to '​Damtype'​ column. | 
-|x |  |damtype |string |  |See '​attack_table'​ table. Value corresponds to '​Noun'​ column. | 
-|x |  |clan |string |  |  | 
-|x |  |class |string |  |  | 
-|x |x |race |string |Set for NPCs only. |  | 
-|x |  |ispc |boolean |Whether is a player |  | 
-|x |  |isnpc |boolean |Whether is a mob |  | 
-|x |  |isgood |boolean |Whether is good (align>​=350) |  | 
-|x |  |isevil |boolean |Whether is evil (align<​=-350) |  | 
-|x |  |isneutral |boolean |Whether is neutral (-350 |  | 
-|x |  |isimmort |boolean |Whether is immortal |  | 
-|x |  |ischarm |boolean |Whether is charmed |  | 
-|x |  |isfollow |boolean |Whether is following someone |  | 
-|x |  |isactive |boolean |Whether position is > than sleeping (resting,​sitting,​fighthing,​or standing) |  | 
-|x |  |fighting |[[:​lua:​ch:​members|CH]] |  |Mob or player the CH is fighting, nil if none. | 
-|x |  |heshe |string |he/she/it for the character. |  | 
-|x |  |himher |string |him/her/it for the character. |  | 
-|x |  |hisher |string |his/​her/​its for the character. |  | 
-|x |  |inventory |array of [[:​lua:​obj:​members|OBJ]] |  |  | 
-|x |  |room |[[:​lua:​room:​members|ROOM]] |  |  | 
-|x |  |groupsize |number |0 for no group, 1 for 1 other person, etc. |  | 
-|x |  |stance |  |  |  | 
-|x |x |description |Set for NPCs only. |  |  | 
-|x |  |pet |[[:​lua:​ch:​members|CH]] |  |  | 
-|x |  |affects |array of [[:​lua:​affect:​members|AFFECT]] |  |  | 
-|x |  |clanrank |number |PC only |  | 
-|x |  |remorts |number |PC only |  | 
-|x |  |explored |number |PC only |  | 
-|x |  |beheads |number |PC only |  | 
-|x |  |pkills |number |PC only |  | 
-|x |  |pkdeaths |number |PC only |  | 
-|x |  |questpoints |number |PC only |  | 
-|x |  |bank |number |PC only |  | 
-|x |  |mobkills |number |PC only |  | 
-|x |  |mobdeaths |number |PC only |  | 
-|x |  |vnum |number |NPC only |  | 
-|x |  |proto |[[:​lua:​mobproto:​members|MOBPROTO]] |NPC only |  | 
-|x |  |ingame |boolean |NPC only |  | 
-|x |x |shortdescr |string |NPC only |  | 
-|x |x |longdescr |string |NPC only |  | 
-|Function |Argument |Result |Note |Valid args | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​mdo|mdo]] |string |none |interpret argument as if mob typed it |mdo(“string”) | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​say|say]] |string |none |accepts variables |say(“Hi %s”, | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​emote|emote]] |string |none |  |  | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​asound|asound]] |string |none |accepts variables |asound [string] : echo to all the rooms around the mobile | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​gecho|gecho]] |string |none |  |gecho [string] : echo to all active players in the game | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​zecho|zecho]] |string |none |  |zecho [string] : echo to all players in the same area | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​kill|kill]] |string |none |  |kill [victim] : start combat with a player | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​assist|assist]] |string |none |  |assist [victim] : assist another mob or player | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​junk|junk]] |string |none |  |junk [item | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​echo|echo]] |string |none |  |echo [string] : echo to room | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​echoaround|echoaround]] |string |none |  |echoaround [victim] [string] : echo to all in room save victim | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​echoat|echoat]] |string |none |  |echoat [victim] (string) : echo to victim (in same room) | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​mload|mload]] |string |[[:​lua:​ch:​members|CH]] |  |mload [vnum/​rvnum] : load a mobile | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​oload|oload]] |number |[[:​lua:​obj:​members|OBJ]] |  |oload(vnum):​ load an object to inventory, function returns the OBJ | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​purge|purge]] |string |none |  |purge (target) : purge all objs and mobs in room or target | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​goto|goto]] |string |none |  |goto [location] : go to location, wrandom for random room in world, random for random room in area | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​at|at]] |string |none |  |at [location] [command] : execute command at location | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​transfer|transfer]] |string |none |  |transfer [victim | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​gtransfer|gtransfer]] |string |none |  |gtransfer [victim] [location] : move group of victim to location | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​otransfer|otransfer]] |string |none |  |otransfer [object] [location] : move object from room | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​force|force]] |string |none |  |force [victim] [command] : victim executes command | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​gforce|gforce]] |string |none |  |gforce [victim] [command] : victim'​s group executes command | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​vforce|vforce]] |string |none |  |vforce [vnum] [command] : all mobs of vnum execute command | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​cast|cast]] |string |none |  |cast [spell] (target) : cast spell without failure and cost | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​damage|damage]] |string |none |  |damage [victim | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​remove|remove]] |string |none |  |remove [victim] [vnum | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​remort|remort]] |string |none |  |remort [victim] : remort a player | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​qset|qset]] |string |none |  |qset [victim] [id] [value] [time limit] : set quest-state for player | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​qadvance|qadvance]] |string |none |  |qadvance [victim] [id] (increment) : increase quest-state | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​reward|reward]] |string |none |  |reward [victim] [exp | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​peace|peace]] |string |none |  |peace (victim) : stop combat and make mobs non-aggro | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​restore|restore]] |string |none |  |restore [victim] : restore victim | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​setact|setact]] |string |none |set or remove an act-flag |setact(“safe”)/​setact(“safe”,​false) | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​hit|hit]] |string |none |hit (victim) : do one attack |hit( – must be in battle with victim | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​tell|tell]] |string |none |send a tell |tell(“somebody something”) | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​describe|describe]] |string |none |do |something | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​addaffect|addaffect]] |string |none |do |something | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​removeaffect|removeaffect]] |string |none |do |something | 
-Other goodies 
-|Function |Argument |Result |Note |  |  | 
-|randchar |none |[[:​lua:​ch:​members|CH]] |Returns a random PC in room with the mob. |  |  | 
-|setlevel |number |none |Sets mob level, restores the mob to full health. |  |  | 
-|destroy |none |none |Destroy the CH, error if attempted on player |  |mob:​destroy() | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​qstatus|qstatus]] |number |number |Return the value of the given qset on the CH |  |  | 
-|qtimer |number |number |Return the timer value of the given qset on the CH |  |  | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​loadprog|loadprog]] |number |none |Argument is vnum. Runs target mprog script in the CH's script space |  |  | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​loadscript|loadscript]] |string[subfolder],​string[filename] |none |runs the script in the file in the subfolder given using the CH's script space |  |ch:​loadscript("​vodur","​testscript"​) | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​loadstring|loadstring]] |string |none |runs the argument as a script in the CH's env |  |  | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​loadfunction|loadfunction]] |  |  |  |  |  | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​savetbl|savetbl]] |string[filename],​table |none |creates a file in area specific subdir with filename as the name and saves arg2 to it |  |  | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​savetbl|loadtbl]] |string[filename] |table |opens file in area specific subdir with the filename and returns the table loaded from it, nil if file doesn'​t exist |  |  | 
-|tprint |table |none |prints the content of a table using say. Good for debug. |  |  | 
-|[[:​scriptingolc|olc]] |string |none |Send command to current olc editor if any. |  |olc("​name hammy"​) – Need to already entered editor, e.g mdo("​redit"​) | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​delay|delay]] |number, function[, string] |none |Set a timer to run arg2 after arg1 seconds, optional arg 3 sets a string tag that can be used for targetted cancelling. |  |  | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​cancel|cancel]] |string[optional] |none |Cancel pending functions that were queued with '​delay'​. See [[:​lua:​ch:​cancel|cancel]] |  |  | 
-|[[:​lua:​ch:​setval|setval]] |string |none |setval(arg1,​arg2,​arg3) |ch:​setval(_fckg_QUOT__fckg_QUOT_____,​ , [arg3]) |ch:​setval("​serpent_killed",​ 1, true) |[[:​lua:​ch:​getval|getval]] |string |none |getval(arg1,​arg2) |ch:​getval(_____fckg_QUOT__fckg_QUOT_,​ ) |  | 
-|Function |Argument |Result |Note |Valid args |Example | 
-|canattack |[[:​lua:​ch:​members|CH]] |boolean |whether can attack arg |  |  | 
-|cansee |[[:​lua:​ch:​members|CH]] |boolean |whether can see arg |  |  | 
-|ccarries |string |boolean |Whether carries arg in a container. |  |  | 
-|skilled |string |boolean |Whether has skill. |  |  | 
-|act |string |boolean |  |  |if mob:​act('​safe'​) then | 
-|carries |string |boolean |Whether carries arg (vnum or keyword). |  |  | 
-|[[:​wears|wears]] |string |boolean |Whether wears arg (vnum or keyword). |  |  | 
-|has |string |boolean |Whether is carrying an item of type arg. |See [[:​flags|Flags]] |  | 
-|uses |string |boolean |Whether is wearing equipment of type arg. |See [[:​flags|Flags]] |  | 
-|affected |string |boolean |Check if affected by argument. |See [[:​flags|Flags]] |if (ch:​affected("​fade"​)) then | 
-|offensive |string |boolean |Check if specific offensive flag is set |See [[:​flags|Flags]] |  | 
-|immune |string |boolean |Check if immune to argument |See [[:​flags|Flags]] |  | 
-|resist |string |boolean |Check if resist argument |See [[:​flags|Flags]] |  | 
-|vuln |string |boolean |Check if vuln to argument |See [[:​flags|Flags]] |  | 
-|mobhere |string/​number |boolean |Whether mob with keyword(s)/​vnum is in the room. |  |  | 
-|objhere |string/​number |boolean |Whether obj with keyword(s)/​vnum is in the room. |  |  | 
-|mobexists |string |boolean |Whether mob with name exists in game. |  |  | 
-|objexists |string/​number |boolean |Whether object with name exists in game. |  |  | 
lua/ch/members.1403281524.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/06/20 16:25 by vodur